We’ve been on the road for just over a month now, so I thought it’d be interesting to take a look at some numbers we’ve collected. When we set out, we didn’t have any real goals, other than to see…
Entertainment on the road
I figure we have at least a couple hundred hours of driving ahead of us on our journey. With that in mind, I’ve been dutifully compiling a catalog of music, audio books, and podcasts to keep us entertained as we…
Packing: photography gear edition
Disclaimer: If you’re not a photography geek, feel free to skip this post! I’m currently taking a break from packing up all of the photo gear that I want to take on the road, and I thought it’d be fun…
Google Maps is a fantastic road trip planning resource
We’re planning to set out on our adventure at some point within the next few days, and while we don’t have a set itinerary or exact route planned, we have been doing a bit of research into places that we…