We Do America!

Roadtrip stats!

We’ve been on the road for just over a month now, so I thought it’d be interesting to take a look at some numbers we’ve collected. When we set out, we didn’t have any real goals, other than to see if we could keep expenses to around $100/day. We’re a little above that as of today, but I think we’ll bring the average down a bit as we travel through the south.

Roadtrip Stats as of 11/12:

Days on the road:52
Miles driven:11,551
Gas station stops:39
Speeding tickets:1 (Bill, of course)
States driven through:17
National parks visited:17
Different beds slept in:25
Average daily spend:$117.80 1
Most expensive day:$206 (Lake Las Vegas, NV)
Least expensive day:$39 (Las Vegas, NV)
Hours of audio books listened to:103 2
Photos taken:14,662 (280 GB!)
Hiking distance:283.4 miles
Hiking vertical gain:28,820 feet
1 Includes all tax & tips—we've been pretty good about logging every penny!

2 So far we've listened to the following audio books: 11/22/63 by Stephen King, Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris, Lock In by John Scalzi, One Second After by William R. Forstchen, American Gods by Neil Gaiman, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, and Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman.


7 thoughts on “Roadtrip stats!

  1. Nancy Kennedy

    I know I’ve seen some but can’t wait to see the rest of the 9,162 photos! Or at least more of them.

  2. Christina K Froeb

    wow! So you’ve practically hiked from NYC to Montauk and halfway back! Not bad! I can’t believe how cheaply you’ve traveled. Will you splurge for some nice meals at some point?

    1. Bill Post author

      We’ve mostly been staying in smallish towns that don’t really offer much more than diner-quality food (sometimes just finding anything at all that’s open past 8PM is a challenge), but every time we rent a room with a kitchen Lori gets treated to my 5-star cooking! =)

      We’ll probably eat something nice in Sedona tomorrow night, and we’re in Vegas early next week, so we’ll have a lot of options then.