We Do America!

Packing: photography gear edition

Disclaimer: If you’re not a photography geek, feel free to skip this post!

I’m currently taking a break from packing up all of the photo gear that I want to take on the road, and I thought it’d be fun to share the ridiculous assortment of stuff that I’ll be cramming into the car.

Here is a pic of everything that I’d like to take along, currently laying on the floor of my living room while I figure out how to sort it into the bags I have available:

a mess of photography equipmentA quick tally of the mess of stuff pictured:

  • Two photography gear bags, and one photography/hiking backpack (linking it because it’s the best camera backpack I’ve ever used & I highly recommend it).
  • Two tripods: a sturdy/heavy one to leave in the car, and an amazingly compact/lightweight one attached to the hiking pack.
  • Two camera bodies: a Canon 6D, and an old Canon 5D that I’m bringing along strictly as a backup and probably won’t touch.
  • Seven lenses (see below). Yes, seven. And yes, I need them all!
  • A bunch of filters: screw-in and also a Lee system.
  • One speedlight that I probably won’t use but feel compelled to bring anyway.
  • Lots of smaller stuff: a remote shutter release, memory cards, batteries, etc.

Yeah, it’s probably excessive. We all have our vices, though!

If you’re still reading, here’s a rundown of the lenses I’m packing:

the lenses I'll have available during the trip

I’ll undoubtedly be posting a bunch of photos from the road, so if they’re terrible, I certainly can’t blame my gear! And in the meantime, if you’re interested you can check out some of my previous captures on Flickr.

2 thoughts on “Packing: photography gear edition

  1. Lori

    That IS a ridiculous assortment! The front seat may the be only place it will fit. How do you feel about sitting on the roof? 😛